"DESCRIPTION 1"="Common Items: Normally, Windows will display your personal items plus the "common" (aka All Users) groups inside Start->Programs. If this option is disabled, those "common" groups will no longer be displayed. IMPORTANT! If deactivated, it will hide ALL "common" items, so any Desktop Links for all users will be hidden as well!"
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Programs Scrolling: In Windows 95/NT, if the Start Menu was too big to fit vertically on the screen, multiple columns were used. In Windows 98 and above, the Start Menu become scrolling. If you would prefer to see your Start Menu in multiple columns again, disable this option."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Programs Context Menu: This allows you to view a standard Explorer context menu when clicking with the right mouse button on an entry in Start->Programs. Note: disabling this will also disable the ability to use drag & drop to move the items inside Programs!"
"DESCRIPTION 4"="Administrative Tools: Shows the Administrative Tools folder under Start->Programs. "
"DESCRIPTION 5"="User-created Folders: If this is enabled, extra folders (like the Cascading Control Panel) can appear above the Program entry. When disabled, these folders will be hidden."
"DESCRIPTION 6"="Windows Update: Controls if the link to Windows Update is visible or not. IMPORTANT: If you disabled this item, it will not only remove the item from the Start Menu but also stop Windows Update from working when you browse to the Windows Update Website (it will give you a very strange error)! This seems to be a side-effect of Windows."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="'Multiple Columns' setting from Tom Simpson [thomas@mail.xenafan.com] - thanks a lot!"
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to Ken [k-o@cyberdude.dk] for the "no drag&drop" notice."
"COMMENT 3"="Thanks to Dutler, Dennis R [dennis.dutler@eds.com] for the "XP screw up" notice."
"COMMENT 4"="Thanks to Mischief271268@aol.com for the "Windows Update" screw up notice."
Call SetUIElement(5,"Show user-created folders at top of Start Menu")
Call ReadIt(5,sV_SubFolders)
Call SetUIElement(6,"Show 'Windows Update' in Start Menu (read Desc!)")
Call ReadIt(6,sV_WinUpd)
SUB Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
SUB Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
Call WriteIt(1,sV_CommonGroups)
Call WriteIt_3(2,sV_StartMenuScroll)
Call WriteIt(3,sV_ProgramsContext)
Call WriteIt_2(4,sV_AdminTools)
Call WriteIt(5,sV_SubFolders)
Call WriteIt(6,sV_WinUpd)
'special check for Windows Update
if GetUIElementEx(6)=false then
Call MsgWarning("You have selected not to show Windows Update. Please note that this will also disable the Windows Update Website when you try to access it using Internet Explorer. Please see the description for more information.")
end if
Call IndicateSettingChange()
Call Logoff()
SUB Plugin_Terminate
Sub ReadIt(ITM,PATH1)
if RegValueExists(PATH1)=false then 'setting available?
'no setting -> item visible
Call SetUIElementEx(ITM,true)
if IsNumeric(i)=true then
if i=0 then
Call SetUIElementEx(ITM,true)
end if
end if
end if
End Sub
Sub ReadIt_2(ITM,PATH1)
if RegValueExists(PATH1)=false then 'setting available?
'no setting -> item not visible
Call SetUIElementEx(ITM,false)
If IsNumeric(i)=true then
if i=1 then
Call SetUIElementEx(ITM,true)
end if
end if
end if
End Sub
Sub ReadIt_3(ITM,PATH1)
if RegValueExists(PATH1)=false then 'setting available?